
SUPES County formulate the Immigrant Communities Protection Committee – Patch

SUPES County formulate the Immigrant Communities Protection Committee – Patch

Alamed County – the Council of Supervisory Authorities of Alameda County on Tuesday formed a new committee to provide advice and guidance on how to respond to the Trump Administration Immigration Policy, which are widely perceived as dragons by local politicians and community leaders.

In a 4-0 vote, and Lena’s supervisor there apologies the Council, the Council created the Alameda Commission Together for everyone, which would be chaired by leader Nicky Fortunato Bass, who proposed the idea.

“I am deeply concerned about federal policies and budget solutions for the most vulnerable inhabitants of Alamed County,” Bass said, noting that she is the daughter of the Philippine immigrants.

“Many of us are heard by immigrants and refugees in the county who are afraid of working, going to school, looking for health care or other social services because they can be separated and torn apart by their families,” Bass said.

The new AD HOC Committee was formed in the image of a similar committee, supported by the late supervisory authorities, Wilma Chan and Richard Vale in 2017 and called the “AD HOC Immigrant and Refugee Committee”.

Its goals include the development of political and program proposals for the protection of the county and its immigrant and refugee communities from federal policies and budgets; Organize support for access to district services, including healthcare, social services and reproductive services and “expanding the welcoming region policy for immigrant and refugees,” according to a staff report.

Supervisor Elisa Marquez, the Vice -President of the New AD HOC Committee, sounded Fortunato Bas statements and added that he would also provide the county with the opportunity to join a stable community regarding how Trump’s policies – such as mass deportations and threats to Reducing funding from non -codding local jurisdictions – it can affect the inhabitants of the county.

“So the point of this AD HOC committee is to disseminate accurate and timely information and to strengthen public private partnerships,” Marquez said.

She said one of his early tasks would be to help start a hot line for a “quick answer”, so people can have 24/7 access to information and help with things like federal immigration raids and legal advice.

The Committee can also work to develop a district fund to compensate for any potential budget reductions from federal sources.

Another task will be to hold a town hall in different parts of the county so that people can hear about the federal government’s new policies, ask questions and find resources.

While both voted to approve the formation of the committee, the head Nate Miley wanted assurances that he would not replace the authority or duplicate the work of existing standing committees, while the supervisory authority David Haubert said that the committee should have a relatively small budget and not encourage policies that will violate federal or state legislation.

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