
Officer fired a man with a knife in Winston-Salem, according to police-Aol

Officer fired a man with a knife in Winston-Salem, according to police-Aol

Winston-Salem, NC (WGHP)-the man was critically wounded after being shot by police in Winston-Salem.

On Saturday, about 11 pm, police were called to Zaharis House Keep the court. The call was said that a man inside the home is armed with a knife and threatens other people.

When the officer arrived at the scene, police said they “heard from many people, including children inside the home.” The door opened and the police claimed that the employees saw Marcel Ndimubandi holding a knife.

WSPD says that when the officer tried to talk to Ndimubandi, he “accused the officer” with the knife. The officer shot him and he was taken to the hospital, where he was in a critical but stable condition at the last check.

No one else was injured in the incident and the investigation continues. WSPD says a fee is ahead.

“In the last 21 months, NDIMUBANDI has had 11 charges, including two charges of attacking a woman and three charges against attacking a government official,” police said.

SBI is being investigated by the shooting. WSPD does not release the identity of the participating employee at the moment.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the men and women of the Winston-Salem police station for what they do on a daily basis. The work of a police officer includes the ability to make a split second decisions, which will often be the second, assumed by those who did not go to these shoes. That’s why our job is a call, not just another job, “said Chief William H. Penn, Jr. On an early morning briefing for the incident.

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