
Chesapiken Regional to appear in the Federal Court in Norfolk in the case of cheating in healthcare – newspaper

Chesapiken Regional to appear in the Federal Court in Norfolk in the case of cheating in healthcare – newspaper

The attorneys of the Chesapik Regional Medical Center will appear before a federal judge in Norfolk on Tuesday afternoon.

A large jury has accused the Chesapiik Regional Medical Center of allegations in healthcare, conspiracy for US fraud and interference with governmental functions on January 8th.

The allegations are in connection with the hiring of a Javaid Perwaiz medical center, which was arrested in 2019 for unnecessary gynecological surgery for women, in addition to fictional claims to health benefits programs.


Charges of a large jury of the Regional Medical Center Chesapik

According to US lawyer, CRMC has provided perwaiz privileges from 1984 until his arrest in 2019, although he knows that his privileges have been terminated at another hospital for unnecessary operations and that he has been convicted of two federal crimes in 1996 S

The US lawyer claims that CRMC claims to have received $ 18.5 million to restore operations for operations that Perwaiz has done and states that he has not acted alone.

“As it is alleged in the indictment, Dr. Parviz did not act alone in this conspiracy to unnecessarily sterilize and otherwise harm women. The big jury has found that CRMC is complicit in this horrific scheme to make profits for patient care, “said Jessica D. Aber, a US lawyer for the Eastern Virginia County.

Watch: D -R Parviz sentenced to 59 years

Dr. Parviz condemned 59 years

Authorities claim that some operations he performed were not medically necessary were performed without consent, and in some cases were not carried out at all. They also claim that he has filed false claims to Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, Sentara Optima and other health benefits programs.

When performing surgery, Perwaiz claims to have filed a flow scheme with an accurate maturity date and another made sheet with the patient at 39 weeks or further in the gestation.

CRMC employees and practitioners are said to have been aware of discrepancies, but allow perwaiz to continue these practices and continue to charge for them.

Watch the previous reflection of the test of D -R Parviz

The PERWAIZ process continues

Parviz was sentenced to 52 healthcare fraud and false statements on healthcare and sentenced to 59 years in prison in November 2020.

CRMC’s attorneys earlier issued the following statement:

“With great disappointment today, we learned that the accusations have been returned against Chesapiik’s regional health. We look forward to the opportunity to disprove these unfounded accusations in court and are confident that the legal process will lead to Chesapik.”

We will continue to follow this case.

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