
Miami -Dadd Commission to talk about garbage after the mayor burn plan – CBS News

Miami -Dadd Commission to talk about garbage after the mayor burn plan – CBS News

Commission in Miami-Dad to discuss the future of waste management

Commission in Miami-Dad to discuss the future of waste management


Miami – The Miami-Dad Commission will discuss the future of solid waste management during a meeting on Tuesday.

This comes after Mayor Daniela Levin Kava has issued a note recommended for planning to build a new burn in the county scrambled in favor of continuing long -standing waste.

For two years, the county has been considering where to put a new burn, and they narrowed it to several places; Former Opa-Locka West Airport, a tree farm outside Hyaleya gardens, a place in Medley and the place where the original combustion burns in Dorah in 2023.

In a note issued over the weekend, Levine Kava said: “After careful examination and a lot of analysis, I recommend that we continue to continue long -distance waste through a truck and railway, using our contractual capacity while we continue to explore options for building a landfill outside Miami -Dad county. “

During the note, Kava said that she and the district commissioners had learned that there was no “easy solution” when it came to waste management. As much as they acknowledge the urgency of the management of the loss of Doral Incinerator, Kava said that “every variant we pursue does not recreate an unnecessary burden for our payers.”

The site at the airport of OPA-Locka West, which is close to the Broward County Line, has attracted opposition from Miramar. Mayor Wayne Mesham He opposed the site because he was about two miles from his city. Messam applauds Levine Cava’s recommendation to scrap the burn plan.

“In the short term, we sigh relief. However, the city of Miramar, we continue to browse the long -term solutions to protect sensitive sites such as West Airport that are so close to the proximity of Everglades recovery projects and the billions of dollars invested.”

Miramar residents plan to appear at the Tuesday meeting if the airport site is re -examined. The city provides transportation, T -shirts and dishes for residents who visit the seminar.

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