
Washington College invites teachers to apply for scholarships for innovation curricula – Newsbreak

Washington College invites teachers to apply for scholarships for innovation curricula – Newsbreak

Chestertown – Washington College calls for proposals for the introductory group for scholarships for innovation power plants. These $ 15,000 scholarships, funded by considerable grant of $ 1,846,000 from Philip E. and Carroll R. Ratcliffe Foundation, will support teachers in the development and implementation of innovative courses and programs that use the resources of the upcoming innovation plant S

The program will award 3-4 scholarships to professors from Chesapik College, public schools in Kent and Queen Ann, Washington College and other public organizations. The awards will support the development and implementation of cooperation courses, internships, programs and certificates, aligned with the mission of the innovative plant for catalysis of educational and economic capabilities through access to avant -garde instruments, technologies, experience and mentoring.

“We are glad to bring the life of the project for innovation plants while working on the building is underway,” says Assistant Professor of Education and Chairman of the Department of Sarah Clark-De Reza. “These scholarships will allow us to test ideas, build capacity and strengthen and grow relations with schools in the field, Chesapeake College and the wider community.”

Eligible proposals should demonstrate a clear vision for learning students. Teachers are encouraged to submit proposals that clearly determine the goals of student education, outlining how the course will help them acquire valuable skills in fields such as transactions, technology and entrepreneurship. Successful suggestions will also describe in detail how teachers plan to reach and engage a diverse group of students and how the course will provide students with opportunities to earn a loan in college, certificates in the industry or to receive valuable experience through internships or tasks based on the project that are based on the project They refer to the real real challenges. Proposals must demonstrate a commitment to influence the community and outline how the course or program will cope with a local social issue or promote innovation in the region.

The scholarship awards will be made in three installments: $ 4,000 for planning, $ 6,000 for implementation and $ 5,000 for deliveries, equipment, transport and/or internships.

Proposals for scholarships for innovation power plants are due on February 7, 2025. Rewards messages will be made on March 1, 2025 for more information and to submit a proposal, access to the Microsoft Form online.

This initiative reflects the commitment of the Washington College to promote the culture of innovation and empowering the next generation of leaders through meaningful educational experience. In addition to the scholarship program, the innovation plant, a long -awaited project, located right next to the campus of 800 High Street in Chesterow, will extend its opportunities and reach the current college and entrepreneurship production initiatives. In order to promote the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the region, the community aimed at people will allow people to develop new ideas, build prototypes and potentially start small businesses here in Kent County.

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