
Policy Wrong Disaster Aid Defining – Bewsbreak

Policy Wrong Disaster Aid Defining – Bewsbreak

View of the Fire line in the San Bernardino Mountains, forcing the escapes for neighborhoods on September 7, 2024 in San Bernardino, California. (Photo from Apu Gomes/Getty Images)

The local head of Soutland’s Californians for Nebraska is located in Irvine, a few hours south of the horde of fires, which devastated several parts of Los Angeles. You will go there – either his website – maybe for play tickets or to find a nearby Husker Watch party.

To the best of my knowledge, however, the non -California are not something.

I thought about this as I was looking at homes and businesses in and around my former neighborhood in southern California, they climbed into flames, inflamed by the ruthless winds of Santa Ana, the hot dry tanks that catapulted blazing embers, even miles.

Chaotic winds

We checked friends who were grateful in safety, some evacuated, others did not. We increased cards to see that the fires were within six blocks of the home we lived in in the last seven years of our decade in the city of Angels. We wondered what we would take as evacuating when we escaped, if the fire roared the hill, jumped sunset and attacked the apartments of West Hollywood.

Later, as the winds calmed down (but the forecast, as I write, was filled with new warnings), I read where others – certainly, including the unprecedented ones – there were a number of places to donate to help victims of fires, including the Red Cross , chef Jose Andres World Central Cuisine and the Army of Salvation.

Eight states and four countries have offered help. Canadian planes have picked up thousands of gallons of seawater from the ocean and threw it on the flames. Mexican firefighters were located on the front lines.

Federal Aid with Terms

Not on the list was the federal government. The chairman of the house, Mike Johnson and others, say they are considering “conditions” for each federal help, although now the president of the form of Biden offers 100 percent assistance in six months. Feders obviously want some political discounts from California before they delete money, or, to God, to, they roll up their sleeves to help its citizens in certain postal codes.

For starters, Johnson said he could attach help to raise the debt ceiling, a service for the new administration. If you are trying to find out what the ceiling of debt with wild fires is almost destroying the Pacific Palisades and Altadena … a signal for a spoiler: nothing.

US Senator John Baraso of Wyoming told CBS News that the scale and range of fires are the result of “Liberal Administration policies”. Really? The “liberal administration” in the state sparked 80 miles / h winds, expanded the current drought in southern California and lit numerous fires that no fire service could have resources for protection? These are not serious people.

Donor country

An honest argument against the conditioning of the federal aid of the gold state can also be made. California is a “donor country”, which means it sends more federal tax money to Washington than it receives in return – about $ 83 billion in 2022. This is more than all eight donors, according to the 2024 worldwide population review.

In addition to the numbers, the moral argument also resonates here, not just because I lived in California for 10 years or that friends and family still call the State House. Applying help based on some political formula or something as pointless as its recipients living in a country with a governor is not in favor of the prevailing winds in Washington is simply and morally wrong.

The least “balms” could be to support their arguments with facts, not the nonsense that gives way to the reality of climate change or simply understanding meteorology.

Recovery after the fires

This said that as he recovers, Los Angeles – or any city whose dispersion is entering the natural environment – should review what urban planning and environmentalists have warned for years: Forests burn as part of the natural cycle. Take land and homes built into the mountains add fuel to these fires.

But nothing affects the power of these fires when Santa Anna winds, starting a cold in the mountain peak, then rising as they roared on the slopes to the sea. Many Californians for Nebraska – and this unprecedented California – know the disturbing nature of these Southland Sciroccos.

Angelo and writer Joan Didion once said: “Time in Los Angeles is the time of the crash, of the apocalypse and, just as the reliable long and bitter winters of New England determine the way life is living there, so that the violence and unpredictability of The Santa Anna affects the whole quality of life in Los Angeles, emphasizes its impermanence, unreliability. The wind shows us how close we are to the edge. ”

Poetic? Yes. True? Yes. Disqualification for federal help? No

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