
Third Sunday in the ordinary time, Sunday of God’s Word – January 26, 2025 – Liturgical Calendar – Catholic Culture

Third Sunday in the ordinary time, Sunday of God’s Word – January 26, 2025 – Liturgical Calendar – Catholic Culture

Mass readings

January 26, 2025 (USCCB website readings)

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Third Sunday in the ordinary time, Sunday of the Word of God: Almighty eternally live God, direct our actions according to your favor, so that in the name of your beloved Son, we can abound in good deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, until eternal centuries.


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Thehe The third Sunday in the ordinary time is the Sunday of God’s Word, established by Pope Francis in 2019. See a note of the congregation of worship and discipline of the sacraments of the Sunday of the Word of God.

From today’s Gospel:

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and the news of Him spread throughout the region. He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all (Luke 4: 14-15).

The optional memory of St. Timothy and Titus, which are usually celebrated today, have been replaced by the Sunday Liturgy.

Comment on the mass readings for the third Sunday in the ordinary time, year C:

Thehe First reading has been taken from Book of Nehemiah, 8: 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10. Nehemiah and Ezra lived at a time when the people of Israel were returned to their land after the years of the Babylonian captivity and it was a time of recovery. People had lost their relationship with their faith.

Thehe Second reading is from First letter from St. Paul to the Corinthians, 12: 12-30 And it refers to the mystical body of Christ. St. Paul completes his description of the different parts of the body, applying it to the church, where the variety of functions does not disturb unity.

Thehe Gospel is from St. Luke 1: 1-4; 4: 14-21. In the first four verses of the Gospel of St. Luke, which we read to you today, you will find a reason to be grateful. He did a lot of labor to put in a constant form, in a written record, the basic facts about Christ, his words and his deeds, so that we “understand (as theophilus) the security of the faith in which we were instructed.”

But as long as we must be grateful to St. Luke, we owe even greater gratitude to the all-the-wise, wise God, who prompted Luke and other evangelists to preserve for us in writing the main truths of the Christian faith that has been given to us. The apostles were satellites of Christ. They witnessed his deeds and his words; They remembered most of his deeds and his words, and what they may have forgotten, the Holy Spirit shouted in their memory on the first day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. The first two generations of Christians received the facts of faith from these eyewitnesses, and so many frequent miracles in the young church were confirmation of the truth of their teaching.

But God in His wisdom has envisaged many generations who come, who will not have this obvious confirmation of their faith. He created a teaching group in his church to keep the purity of Christian truths, because “he himself would be with her all the days” and gave us a written record of the facts of faith in the Gospel and etheric scriptures of the New Testament.

How can we ever thank God for His concern for us? We, Christians today, can be so sure, so confident in the truth of the faith we are trying to practice as St. Luke, who was turned by St. Paul. We have a living, teaching teaching in the Church, which authentically preserves and interprets the true facts of the doctrine of Christ and works as it is recorded for us by the first generation of Christians under the impulse and the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. If we needed additional proof of the priceless value of our New Testament books, the fierce attacks against their authenticity, objectivity and truth from enemies of faith to this day, including today, should be sufficient.

But they have endured the test of time and the offensive of biased, prejudiced criticism, because they are the word of truth, which is eternal and comes from God.

We have a priceless gift of God in the inspired books of the Bible. Let us show real appreciation for this gift by using it to build a better knowledge of the Christian faith that teaches us. There must be a Bible in every Christian home, or at least the New Testament. It should not be a shelf decoration, but a source and a source from which to draw strength and refreshment in the daily practice of our Christian faith. Almost two thousand years ago, the endless kindness of God provided this source of power, the “source of living water” for us, Christians of this century. Are we grateful for his care? Do we nourish our faith from this blessed source of His endless wisdom and love?

– extracted from Sunday readings From Fr. Kevin O’Sullivan, ofm

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