The Reno Aces are looking to hire part-time workers for the upcoming season starting March 28th.
They held the first of two job fairs today at Grand Nevada Field. The second is scheduled to take place on February 6 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. In the same place – in 250 lounges inside the ballpark.
Positions available include:
- Guest services (staff, security, traffic control)
- 50/50 raffle vendor
- Trustee
- Parking attendant
- Control Room (Camera and Audio Operator)
- Dakstats operator
- Bat faces and clubhouse assistants
- Press the field
- Ticket Agent
- Promo team
- Talisman
- Retail Associate
- Base crew
Walk-ins are welcome, but you are encouraged to apply online before arriving.
You can find a list of openings – and the links to apply – at The Reno Aces website.