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Thehe A holiday of the conversion of St. Paul Celebrates St. Paul, who deviates from the persecution of Christians to encourage Christianity. St. Paul, called Saul in his circumcision, a Jew from the Benjamin tribe, was born in Tars, the capital of Kilisa. He was a Roman citizen. He was brought up as a strict Jew, and later became a violent persecutor of Christians. While on the way to Damascus to make new arrests of Christians, he was suddenly turned by a miraculous ghost of our Lord. From a fierce pursuer, he became the great apostle of the Gentiles. He made three missionary journeys that brought him to the major centers of Asia Mila and Southern Europe, and made many newborns. Fourteen of his messages were found in the New Testament. He was beheaded in Rome for about 66 AD, and his relics are in the basilica of St. Paul beyond the walls near the Oustian road.
Today he ends the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25. The theme of 2024 is: “You will love the Lord Your God … and your neighbor as yourself.” -Louke 10:27
St. Paul
St. Paul was born in Tars, Cilicia, of Jewish parents who came from the Benjamin tribe. He was a Roman citizen from birth. As he was a “young man” in stones of Stephen and the “old man” when he wrote in Philimon, around the age of 63, he was probably born at the beginning of the Christian era.
In order to finish his school, St. Paul was sent to Jerusalem, where he was sitting at the feet of the Gamaliel scientist and trained in the strict observance of the law of the ancestors. Here he also gained a good knowledge of exgese and is trained in the practice of the dispute. As a convinced and zealous Pharisee, he returned to Tarse before the public life of Christ was opened in Palestine.
Some time after the death of our Lord, St. Paul returned to Palestine. His deep conviction made his diligence develop in religious fanaticism against the unbelieving church. He participated in the stones of the first martyr, St. Stefan, and in the fierce pursuit of the Christians who followed.
A conscious official mission from the high priest, he went to Damascus to arrest Christians there and tie them to Jerusalem. As Damascus was approaching, around noon, light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. Jesus, with His glorious body, appeared and turned to him, replied from his apparently successful career.
An immediate transformation was carried out in the soul of St. Paul. It was suddenly turned into the Christian faith. He was baptized, changed his name from Saul to Paul, and began to travel and preach faith. He was a martyr as an apostle in Rome around 65 AD.
-Whp The life of the saints
Initially, today’s holiday did not mark the baptism of the Apostle, but more recently the translation of his relics; And it was chronologically linked to the holiday of St. Peter’s chair in Rome, previously celebrated on January 18th. Gradually, however, the original goal was forgotten, and what was a holiday, in honor of the relics of the Apostle, became the memory of his reversal.
With Festal Liturgy, the church notes the transformation of Paul because of its supreme importance to Christianity. The transformation took place about five years after the death of our Lord (the older Martirology says two years). It was a sudden event, not by the search of the Apostle, but for the entire divine intervention. St. Paul often treats him in his messages, always with the deepest emotion and gratitude. The acts of the apostles provide detailed information about the event, not once, but three times: 9: 1-22; 22: 3-21; 26: 9-18.
Paul’s repetition was the most pronounced moment in the development of the kingdom of God on earth. Thanks to its uncompromising spirit, the church was shaken by the relationships of Judaism and spread to the Gentiles. Paul is the one who brought the faith of Christ in Europe and, yes, to Rome. Through it the church became what is by nature – a university, a Catholic. Accordingly, we are also obliged to it. With the moods of the deepest thank you, we celebrate this memorable event when Grace scored such a clear victory over nature and human will. In fact, we could call today’s mystery holiday in honor of Grace Triumphal.
However, the will of the Apostle was not weakened; Grace was more recently married to Will. As he himself said later, “The grace of God in me was not barren” (1 for 15:10).
The experience of St. Paul’s soul on the way to Damascus is not without a parallel in our lives. Our first conversion was in baptism when Christ came to live in us. It was a day of pure grace, with no less merit on our part. We were, true, we do not know about the gift received – which from some perspectives is regretted. In the primitive church, adult baptism was common and the impression was the deepest. For recipients it means real ConversioCompletely turning their lifestyle. Think about, for example, St. Augustine.
Most of us, on the other hand, were baptized like babies. Now we find that in addition to our first conversion, we have to undergo another. If we are cool by sinful Christians, or if, as often happens, we are Christians only of habit or routine – unconscious Christians, as it was – then we must be transformed into a life that is serious, conscious, zealous Christian. How important then to make the importance of baptism constantly effectively! Today’s holiday must be a dedication to this goal. Our celebration must include gratitude to God for this first conversion, which we do not remember and to return to Him we remember.
I know of another Damascus hour in my life, Holy Liturgy. And here Christ meets me. Here, grace is added to the grace of my first conversion to refining what started there and keep in me the same unwavering consciousness of turning, to which we admire St. Paul. Twenty, thirty years later, he was still moved to tears when his thoughts turned to that unforgettable moment on the way to Damascus. He is indeed a great man whom the memory of a significant experience never fades. Because the conversion action itself is not sufficient. The conversion should be permanent, and our “Damascus Hour” on the table helps to do so. Each mass affects a ConversioChange in me. I bring my human desires and weaknesses to the altar and in return receive a divine life and power. I carry human bread (on the ethereal) and I receive divine bread (in Holy Communion). I go to a mass Saul, I come from Table Paul.
–The year of grace of the church by Pi Part
Patronage: against hail; against poisonous snakes; against snake bites; against snakes; Catholic actions; Cursillo movement; Gentiles; laymen; Worship company of fertilers; Revered supporting company; authors; evangelists; hospital relations with the public; journalists; knights; mission bishops; musicians; newspaper; editorial staff; Public relations staff; Public relations work; publishers; reporters; Braids; rope manufacturers; saddle manufacturers; saddles; tents manufacturers; writers
Symbols and representation: Book and sword; three fountains; two swords; scourge; snake and fire; the armor of God; twelve scrolls with the names of his messages; Phoenix; palm tree; Shield of Faith; sword; A book.
Often depicted as: Thin face an adult man with high forehead, retreating hair and long pointed beard; a man holding a sword and a book; A person with 3 springs nearby.
Accents and things to do:
- Visit this section of Catholic culture prepared for the year of St. Paul in 2008.
- Read more about the transformation of St. Paul:
- Many artists depict the transformation of St. Paul. One of the most popular paintings is Caravaggio. There are also Michelangelo murals, which is very inspiring.
- The tomb of St. Paul is located in the Basilica of St. Paul outside the walls in Rome.
- See some food ideas for Catholic cuisine.
- One of the traditions attached to this holiday is located in rural England. Like the tradition of the United States on the Terrain Day, the weather forecasts included fine days predicting good harvests, for clouds and fogs predicting a sea and war in the coming months.