
This week in Postmag: From Little Bao Chef May Chow to Gilbert & George in China – South China Morning Post

This week in Postmag: From Little Bao Chef May Chow to Gilbert & George in China – South China Morning Post

One of my favorite quotes of all time was written by Walt Whitman: “I am large, I contain multitudes.” It felt like a life raft in the bleak days of early adulthood as we began to stretch our path—choosing a degree, starting a first job, we distilled our interests and expertise into a resume line and later a social media bio. All the choices that shape who the world sees us as.

It felt good—defining and asserting itself—but there was also a low-level, deep anxiety. How might we build a life that expresses the totality of who we are, not just a narrow slice?

And I was just a university student, without achievements. It is a predicament that is amplified by success. In 2013 chef in hong kong Maybe bye Shot to fame with the opening of Little Bao. For the next decade, she was “Little Bao Mei” – a blessing, and then eventually, maybe not a curse, but certainly a limitation. In our cover feature, she tells Gavin Yong about growing beyond the Little Bao brand and what’s next for her (spoiler: Pudding included).
For the rest of this week’s print edition, we dive into arts across media, time zones, and eras. Vanessa Lee is talking to an American Photographer Austin Bell who shot 2,549 basketball courts in Hong Kong. That’s all the city’s outdoor courts – at least as far as they know.

In Sydney, Bernard Cohen explores the retrospective of Beijing-based artist Cao Fei’s future and dives into the exhibition designed by Hong Kong’s Beau Architects.

My City Is Yours is out on April 13 if the coming months find you in the Australian city.

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