
Parents face court over Lubbock school truancy – KCBD

Parents face court over Lubbock school truancy – KCBD

LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) – More than three dozen Lubbock-area families were in court today to answer for their children not attending school.

Susan Rowley, Justice of the Peace for District 2, heard 45 truancy cases Wednesday.

Students used to be held responsible for too many absences from school, 10 days or more by law, but now parents are responsible.

Contributing to failure to appear is a criminal offense, just like a traffic ticket or public intoxication.

Judge Rowley says that although the parents are the accused, some of the responsibility falls on the students as well.

“Although the parents of the high school students may take them there, the children do not go to class. They pick and choose when they go to class. They walk the corridors. They go into the bathroom. Sometimes they leave campus. This is ridiculous. I suggest they bring the kids if they think the kid is partially responsible. And most of the time they are once they get to the high school level. It’s a tragedy to watch some of these kids, they just don’t care.”

Contributing to failure to appear is an offense punishable by a fine only; however, if you miss the court date, a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

Judge Rowley says he hopes the Truancy Court is a wake-up call for parents and students alike.

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