
85-year-old found in a car upside down in

85-year-old found in a car upside down in

From Christopher Burns, Bangor Daily News employees Garland-Sishabes found an 85-year-old man who crashed into the forest in Garland on Wednesday, February 12th.

By Christopher Burns, Bangor Daily News officials

The Garland-Sishaws found an 85-year-old man who crashed into the forest in Garland on Wednesday, February 12th.

The man was driving Road Road early in the afternoon when he crashed into the forest, according to Dexter’s fire service.

With the kind assistance of Dexter’s Fire Department
A vehicle crash-85-year-old man escaped a serious injury on February 12 after crashing his car in the forest and finding himself on his roof.

He found his mobile phone and called his wife, who called for help. But when rescuers arrived, they could not see the remains. After they broke the area, they found his car upside down deep into the woods.

“This gentleman was extremely lucky … He was well off the road and his car was combining with the surrounding area,” Dexter’s fire service said.

The man who was wearing a seat belt had been stuck in the remains for nearly an hour.

No additional information was available immediately.

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