
3 Mike Young Quotes Eyes After Virginia Tech gathered along Notre Dame – Fighting Gobbler

3 Mike Young Quotes Eyes After Virginia Tech gathered along Notre Dame – Fighting Gobbler

Looking to take another victory on the road, the Virginia Tech men’s basketball team has gathered both the first and the second half to lead South Band with a huge, 65-63, Acc victory over Notre Dam on Saturday. Down with 14 points in the first half, Hocky returned to get within a point before the iris closed the half -time when running 6-0. In the second half, the difficult defense and the timely baskets were the difference to get along the Irish to improve up to 6-7 in ACC.

It was a big victory on the road and the fourth since the calendar turned to 2025 for the Mike Young team and this one may be the most impressive, given the return they had. After the game, here are some of the quotes that the young had for their team.

Mike Young in his team gathers in both halves of deficits

“A great victory,” said young on Virginia Tech’s sports network. “Man, what a horrible start on both halves. I went down 14 in the first (half), came to the end. At halftime, seven, Toby (Lowal) missed two fake shots, we missed a few good shots, but we couldn’t get anything. I think we downloaded more than nine in the second half and here we come with timely photos, excellent, excellent protection.

Earlier this season, the team of this Hoki would not fight the way they made both halves to return. This just shows the growth they have been doing since the beginning of the ACC game.

Mike Young by holding Notre Dam 39% of the pitch

“Let’s come here against Marcus Burton and Breeden Shrewsbury and keep the Irish fighting of 39% of the pitch is certainly a step in the right direction for our team,” Young “Gord with our basketball team said.”

Burton would get his points and he finished with 23 points, but Shrewsbury ended without points, which was not something that someone saw. Tae Davis was the only other Notre Dame player who ended with double figures with 18. What defensive performance on the road to Hokis.

Mike Young on the second half of Brandon Restener

“Brandon did a great job of moving his feet, not polluting, Burton reaches a lot to the line,” Young said. “Rechsteiner was probably the player of the game for us, he did a really nice job with his fake shots down from the area, which were certainly huge. ”

His defense was good, he made a few timely jumpers, but really his false shooting on the section sealed the victory. When defeating California and Virginia on the road this year, the Foul shooting was almost worth them, but the Resteiner made sure that this would not happen against Notre Dame.

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